Saturday, March 22, 2008

2-33 Project Staus

Saturday March 22nd 2008

Today we removed a 4x8 section from a wall in the hangar, wheeled the 2-33 over the snow, under a few wings, through the hole and into the hangar, done deal.

Amish and Gregg removed the interior panels, seat belts, floor boards etc. while I removed the old fabric.

Tom took the Canopy, window and door home to refurbish.

The fuselage is not thoroughly inspected yet but I don't expect any surprises but we may have to remove the fiberglass nose bowl in order to clean and paint that section of the fuselage.

Next step is to purchase a ~30' x 30' sheet of plastic and build a sandblasting tent, then we'll have a training session and a sign up sandblasting shifts (will be great fun!).



Anonymous said...

I added this blog to my feed reader. It works like a charm.

I was hoping I would be home just in time to miss this project, but I guess I'll be there for the fun part.

Andy Lumley said...

I postponed the just for you Rick and the sandblasting job is your baby, sorry we have no protective eye ware.